Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Here we go.  I don't know how to put the link in my post, but you can use the one on the sidebar.

1. What is something that bothers you if it's not done perfectly?

Um, yea. Pretty much everything.

Sorry. The thing that bothers me most is incorrect grammar :)
Although I am becoming a bit looser with this as I get older (and get lazier).

2. What is one of your best childhood memories.

I loved the freedom that came with summer... going to the pool everyday... flirting ;)

3. Do you plan to watch the royal wedding and when is the last time you wore a hat?


4. Where do you fall in the birth order in your family? Do you think this has influenced your personality?

I am the oldest. I am a perfectionist. See question #1.

5. Where do you think you spend most of your money?

At the grocery store :)

6. When you need to confront someone would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by email or letter? Why?

Oh my. I think the correct way to do this is always in person, although I don't know if that would be my method of choice.  I would probably pick the phone.

7. Dodge ball, freeze tag, kick ball or jump rope? You have to pick one.

Hands down, jump rope.  I very much dislike group games :)

8. Insert your own random thought here.

When I read back through my answers I think I sound like a grumpy old woman.  I'm really not, well - at least I'm not terribly old.  I have to admit I can sometimes be grouchy.

I'm so very very glad the trees are growing green leaves now :)


  1. I think we are very much the same!! :) Though, I am rising at 5 a.m. on Friday to watch the royal wedding with my girly daughter who is giddy with excitement over it. LOL Oh, and I did wear a had a couple of times too. :)

  2. nice post thanks for sharing...i found your blog thrue other follower im looking for to visit more...blessings
