Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ten Years

I have a ten year old.
How did that happen?
I mean, okay, I know how it happened.
But really, one minute he's a baby, being ripped out of your open stomach... then boom, he's 10, and he's embarrassed when you drop off the birthday cookies at his classroom door.
I'm not sure I'm ready for this being-a-parent-of-a-double-digit-child thing.
But here it is, ready or not.

Thanks, Father, that you have given me this Gift, and that you have also given me other gifts to help me grow the Gift into a man, one that follows You with all his heart. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristine :)
    Thanks for commenting on my blog today. I love comments :) Especially from people who I don't know that still care to read my drivel ;)
    Happy Tuesday.
